City of Saumur Recognizes Outstanding Athletes and Volunteers in Annual Awards Ceremony

More than sixty applications were proposed this year by the clubs to participate in this event. A jury made up of elected officials and members of the Associative and Sports Life department of the City of Saumur met to establish a ranking.

Prize for the best athletes – aged 18

Rewards the best female and male sporting result – aged 18 for the 2022-2023 season.

Women’s Prize
1st: Candela CREPEAU FREDEZ – Société Nautique Saumur Aviron
2nd: Lina LANDAIS – Saumur Natation
3rd: Sarah GUYOT – Pays Saumurois Athletics Club

Male award
1st: Noé DAUFOUY – Judo Club du Bassin Saumurois
2nd: Félice BEILLARD- Pôle Nautique de Saumur
3rd: Léopaul THARREAU – Pays Saumurois Athletics Club

Coup de Coeur “young volunteer” prize (under 25 years old)

This award rewards and promotes a young volunteer for their active involvement within their association.

1st: Killian JACQUEMIN – Saumur Society of Rifled Weapons Shooting
2nd: Thomas MOURETTE – Union Saumur Doué Handball
3rd: Clément GUILLOIS – Judo Club du Bassin Saumurois

Prize for the best team – 18 years old

Rewards the best sporting result of the 2022-2023 season from a team made up of players under 18 years old.

1st: Pair team 4 with coxswain J14 – Société Nautique Saumur Aviron
2nd: U18 F1 – Saumur Loire Basket 49
3rd: U 19 – Olympique de Saumur Football Club

Prize for the best team over 18 years old

Rewards the best sporting result of a team in the 2022-2023 season.

1st: Senior Girls 2 – Saumur Loire Basket 49
2nd: Sequence of 2 French B teams – French Parachuting School of Saumur
3rd: Mixed Team – Pays Saumurois Athletics Club

Favorite prize “volunteers” over 25 years old

Rewards and values ​​a volunteer for their active involvement within their association as well as their seniority in the local associative fabric.

Women’s Prize
1st Lucy LEGRAND – Les Plumes Saumuroises de l’ONEA
2nd: Audrey LEFRERE – Saumur Loire Basket 49
2nd: Annick VERNEAU – Saumur Rugby

Male award
1st: Thierry DUBOURREAU – Pays Saumurois Athletics Club
2nd: Christian VIDAL – Judo Club du Bassin Saumurois
3rd: Jean-Marie DELIVET – Olympique de Saumur Football Club

Prize for the best athletes over 18

Rewards the best female and male sporting result of the 2022-2023 season.

Women’s Prize
1st: Alexandra PETITJEAN – French Skydiving School of Saumur
2nd: Tiphanny ANNEREAU – Pays Saumurois Athletics Club
3rd: Sophie THOREAU – Saumur Society of Rifled Weapons Shooting

Male award
1st: Laurent BATAILLE – JA Archery
2nd: Guy CHAUVEAU – Société Nautique Saumur Aviron
3rd: Yoan LASBRAUNIAS – Saumur Country Athletics Club

Association Life Award

Highlights the evolution of an association in terms of number of members, diversity of practices (competitive sport, social sport, health sport, etc.), quality of its management, training of young people. The organization of a sporting event (number of spectators and participants, media coverage, quality of organization, financial autonomy, eco-citizen approach, etc.) is also taken into account with regard to the human and financial possibilities of the organizing association. .
– The SLB 49

Best Equestrian Team Award

Best sporting result 2022-2023 (woman or man).

1st: Les Cadets – Saumur Horse ball
2nd: Les Minimes – Saumur Horse ball
3rd: The Pony Color – Saumur Équipassion

Best Rider Award

Best sporting result 2022-2023 (woman or man).

1st: Yanna BOURGOUIN – Club de la Défense Saumur Fontevraud
2nd: Noémie ADES GALODE – Petit Souper Riding School
3rd: Marthe and Emeline BOURASSEAU – Saumur Équipassion

Price of the city of Saumur

The Pays Saumurois Athletics Club for the organization of the SaumurbanTrail

2023-11-14 08:20:10
#Saumur #Sports #Trophies #Ceremony #winners


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