Change in the Forlì Basketball Calendar: Match Against Sella Cento Moved to Saturday 2 December

Change in the Forlì Basketball calendar 2.015. The match involving the red and whites of coach Antimo Martino at the Palafiera against Sella Cento, valid for the twelfth of the championship, will be played on Saturday 2 December at 8.30 pm instead of Sunday 3. In the first leg Unieuro imposed their game, dampening the seasonal debut with a convincing victory with a score of 61-78. An authoritative success, always remaining ahead after the overtaking made by -8 in the first minutes of the game. There were five red and white players in double figures: Daniele Cinciarini with 17 points, Kadeem Allen with 12, Luca Pollone with 11, Davide Pascolo and Federico Zampini with 10.

2023-11-16 06:30:39
#Unieuro #match #Palafiera #Sella #Cento #anticipated


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