Campo Elías Terán Jr. Leaves Win Sports to Serve as Sports Director in Cartagena: New Tasks and Challenges Ahead

Campo Elías Terán Jr. Leaves Win Sports to Serve as Sports Director in Cartagena: New Tasks and Challenges Ahead

The change of mayors in Colombia, starting January 1, 2024, brings new tasks.

Win Sports loses one of its stars, one of the journalists who had been on the Colombian sports channel the longest, and who was a presenter, panelist and even presenter of the Dimayor draws.

Politics, service to the people, seduced him and he will leave Win to start working for his hometown, starting January 1, 2024.

This is Campo Elías Terán Jr., who accepted the invitation of the new mayor of Cartagena, Dumek Turbay, to work for the good of sports in the city.

Mayor Turbay himself announced that he will have Campo Elías in the direction of the Cartagena Sports and Recreation Institute, better known as the IDER.

Terán Junior, son of the remembered rapporteur Campo Elías Terán Dix (RIP), who was mayor of Cartagena (2012-2013), accepted the challenge to work alongside Dumek Turbay.

In addition, on his social networks he confirmed his departure from Win Sports, which he considers his “home” and his “family”; but “it was inevitable to make this decision.”

2023-11-25 16:37:53
#Win #Sports #loses #experienced #journalist #seduced #politics


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