Belgian Judokas Compete in Montpellier for European Championships

In Montpellier, Louvaniste’s day ended as it began, with a penalty for passivity! But, while he defeated the Turk Yildiz during his first fight in this Euro, Jorre lost to the Frenchman Valadier Picard, after more than nine minutes of a fierce and indecisive face-to-face. This final for bronze in -60 kg did not deserve such an outcome, as the two judokas gave everything to try to win.

Carried by a blue-white-red public whistling at each interruption of the fight, the French No. 3 ended up winning at the end of the suspense and on an arbitration decision that Jorre Verstraeten, fair play, did not contest. But we must believe that the fight had lasted long enough…

Under the eyes of Noor Vidts, his partner, and… Teddy Riner, who came to encourage the French team before leaving for an internship in Japan, our compatriot never failed. Exempted from the first round, the Louvaniste reached the milestone of the second by beating the Turk Yildiz, whom he knocked down twenty-two seconds from the end of regulation time while trailing by a penalty.

Already arrived in the quarter-finals of this category which only had… 23 participants, Jorre was opposed to the Russian, fighting under a neutral flag, Abdulaev, recent gold medalist in Baku after having been deprived like all Russians of competition for long periods of time. months due to the war in Ukraine.

And this Abdulaev proved to be a tough opponent for Verstraeten, pushed into overtime. This was short-lived, barely thirteen seconds, since the referee imposed a penalty on the two judokas for… illegal guarding, the third, fatal, for Jorre.

Returned to the repechage, the Belgian dismissed the Italian Carlino, whom he immobilized mid-fight to have the right to compete for bronze. Lost…

Disabled by an elbow injury following an arm lock, Jorre Verstraeten returned just in time for this Euro.

“I prepared well and my injury is completely healed. At the end of September, in Baku, I was eliminated quickly. I had made one or another small mistake. I completed two good training courses, in Slovakia and in Croatia. The world’s best were present and we had some good randoris. As always, I approach each competition fight by fight and I take stock at the end…”

I am sure he will remember the lessons for the future.

On the women’s side, the verdict is hard to take for our judokas with four eliminations straight away for Lois Petit, Ellen Salens, Mina Libeer and Amber Ryheul. But none have to be ashamed of their performance.

Lois Petit stood up to Azeri Aliyeva for a long time. ©AFP

For her first participation, in -48 kg, Lois Petit competed for a long time with Azeri Aliyeva, recent silver medalist in Baku and bronze in Abu Dhabi, whom she had already met in 2022, in Madrid, her opponent s taking bronze at the time.

The Tournaisienne tried everything to destabilize her rival with her favorite movement, which she placed on the right as well as on the left. Without success. Penalized twice, against one for Aliyeva, Lois pushed it to overtime, but unfortunately suffered a third penalty.

Still in -48 kg, Ellen Salens also fell with honors against the German Menz, vice-world champion, last year, for what was the glory day of her career.

In -57 kg, Mina Libeer had inherited the young Italian Toniolo, recent European and world junior champion, but already silver medalist in August, in Zagreb. And, for her return to competition after cruciate knee ligament surgery, the Gantoise was served! The fight between Mina and Toniolo lasted more than ten minutes and ended with a third penalty inflicted on the Belgian who was not unworthy.

“It’s possible that I lack rhythm. My situation could also be an advantage. I will be able to fight in a liberated way, without stress, since I will have nothing to lose. And if I can surprise, I would be delighted…”, explained Mina Libeer when talking about this Euro.

The referee did not give her the opportunity, but there is no doubt that she came away reassured about her physical potential.

Exempted from the first round in -52 kg, Amber Ryheul was opposed, in the second, to the Hungarian Pupp, multiple medalist on the international scene, whom she had already met at the Euro in 2021, in Lisbon, with a defeat at the key. And history repeated itself for Amber, swept away by her opponent thirty seconds from the end.

Judo: Twelve Belgians take on Europe in Montpellier!
2023-11-03 22:22:21
#Judo #Belgians #poorly #Euro #results


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