Be careful with the hatcheries! There are more than 10 thousand accumulated cases of dengue this year

The Ministry of Health (Minsa), through the Department of Epidemiology, provided data corresponding to the epidemiological week No. 43 on the registration of cases of Dengue, Malaria, Zika, Leishmaniasis, Chikungunya, Hantavirus and Monkeypox; At the same time, it reiterates to the population that they keep their environments clean and thus avoid the increase in breeding sites for disease-transmitting mosquitoes.

· Dengue: The report corresponding to epidemiological week No. 43 confirms 10,716 accumulated cases by Dengue throughout the country.

The regions with the most positive cases are: Bocas del Toro with 2,947 cases; Colón with 2,316 cases; Panama Metro with 1,371 cases; Panama Oeste with 1,002 cases; Chiriquí with 977 cases; North Panama with 717 cases and San Miguelito with 426 cases.

are confirmed two new deaths in the Colón region, increasing to eight (8) so far in 2023.

The Ministry of Health (MINSA) reiterates the importance of keep houses and work environment clean, Check the screens on doors, windows and look under sinks, as these are places that may have breeding sites for the transmitting mosquito.

Find out about other interesting news: day by day Panama

· Malaria: For epidemiological week No. 43, there have been confirmed 64 new cases of Malaria, in Guna Yala, Darién and Ngäbe Buglé region. With a cumulative total of 8,531 cases so far in 2023.

· Leishmaniasis, Chikunguya and Zika:
Leishmaniasis cases for the week Epidemiological No. 43, 9 new ones are confirmed cases; of which 3 in Bocas del Toro, 2 in the Ngäbe Buglé region; 1 in Columbus; 1 in Chiriquí; 1 in Panama Oeste and 1 in Veraguas. So far in 2023, 1,192 cases have been confirmed.

From Chikunguya, It remains at thirteen (13) cases, distributed in North Panama in Alcalde Díaz and Las Cumbres; San Miguelito, in the José Domingo Espinar sector; in Panama Oeste, Burunga sector and in the metropolitan region, the sectors of El Chorrillo, Calidonia and Las Garzas; Chepo in Panama Este and Atalaya in Veraguas. To date, there are three (3) cases of Zika.

· Hantavirus: Se The cases remain at 43, so far in 2023, in the country, of which with Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome, there are 23 cases and with Hantavirus Fever there are 20 cases. These 43 cases (41 are alive and 2 deaths, one in Herrera and one in Los Santos.

These cases of hantavirus have been reported in the provinces of Los Santos, 33 cases; Herrera with 6 cases and Coclé with 4 cases.

· Monkeypox (Monkeypox): This week, new cases of monkeypox remain unconfirmed, leaving the confirmed cases accumulated to date at 237, of which 89 were recorded in 2022 and 148 cases so far in 2023 (146 men and women). 2 women).

There have been 19 consecutive weeks that no cases of monkeypox have been recorded in Panama. There are no active cases either in home isolation or hospitalized, 1 death remains and 236 people completed their isolation, without major setbacks.
As of October 10, 2023, 3,115 doses of monkeypox vaccines have been administered. 2,167 doses in their first dose and 948 second doses.

2023-11-05 02:09:43
#careful #hatcheries #thousand #accumulated #cases #dengue #year


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