Bad weather from North to South, alert and schools closed

Bad weather from North to South, alert and schools closed

AGI – “I have declared a regional state of emergency and I am already in contact with the government for the national one. The situation is really very serious”. He’s the president Eugenio Gianion social media to talk about a worrying scenario in many areas of Tuscany.

Flooding and increasingly isolated areas requiring direct interventions. “We have just sent dinghies to Seano, Quarrata and Campi Bisenzioareas that are currently difficult to reach in any other way to carry out the first emergency inspection, furthermore we have asked the National Civil Protection for helicopters for the urgent transport of people in code red”, he explains.

“In the metropolitan city the situation is critical. Road flooding is widespread and for this reason maximum caution is recommended”, adds the mayor of Florence and the metropolitan city, Dario Nardella, also through the various social profiles.

The Lotti hospital in Pontedera (Pisa) it is one of the structures most in difficulty due to the flooding of some rooms. For this reason it suspended the surgical activity and the dialysis service and other scheduled activities. Mayor Matteo Franconi launches the appeal: “I invite all those who do not have an urgent and undeferrable need to move around the city except for service or health reasons not to leave their homes. The situation is very critical and the roads are not passable”.

The bad weather is also putting the Santo Stefano hospital in Prato to the test, with water invading part of the structure due to the flooding of the Bisenzio river in the Santa Lucia district. The most critical situation would have been recorded in the basement and on the ground floor.

Two confirmed deaths

A man was found dead in his house on the ground floor in the municipality of Montemurlo (Prato). His name was Alfio Ciolini, 85 years old, and he was identified in a completely flooded room of his house, in the hamlet of Bagnolo. According to an initial reconstruction, he was lying in the water overflowing from the nearby stream which had flooded his room. It is not yet clear whether he died from drowning or from an illness.

The news of the second death was given directly by President Giani on social media: “Unfortunately there are two deaths, one in the municipality of Montemurlo and one in the municipality of Rosignano”.

Continuous interventions

The intense rain and strong wind led to dozens of interventions by the firefighters, with teams in aquatic and river assets, between the provinces of Florence, Pistoia, Pisa, Livorno and Prato. Everything to rescue people stuck in cars in underpasses, flooding of streets and basements of buildings, fallen trees.

Finally, Trenitalia informs that “due to the wave of bad weather that is affecting the territory of Tuscany, circulation may be subject to variations and regional trains may suffer cancellations, delays or prolonged route interruptions”.

In Lombardy there is a risk of flooding in Como

In Como there is a risk of “flooding” beyond Piazza Cavour already affected by the flooding, due to the heavy rains which are causing the lake level to rise rapidly. The Local Police communicated this in a note. “The level of Lake Como on the Malgrate hydrometer currently stands at 151.8 cm (+ 31.8 cm on the flooding of Piazza Cavour).

Protection, monitoring and emergency activities continue constantly. In light of the weather warning and the hydraulic criticality bulletin, a new rise in the lake level can be assumed. This new elevation could lead to the overtopping of the mobile anti-flood barriers positioned in Piazza Cavour, with the flooding of the entire surrounding area”.

Firefighter missing in Belluno

Since late afternoon the firefighters have been intervening in Puos D’Alpago (Belluno) to search for a colleague who, free from duty, fell into a canal near the cemetery. The man was monitoring homes at risk of flooding near the canal when he accidentally fell into the water. The firefighters, including divers, are carrying out the search along the waterway that joins the Tesa stream, up to Lake Santa Croce.

“I stand alongside all the firefighters and all the rescuers in this dramatic operation that no one would have wanted to face.” This is how the president of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia comments on the news.

The effects of Storm Ciaran

The Storm Ciaran continues to plague north-eastern Europe, where there are already seven victims, andworsening of weather conditions also threatens Italy, where thered alert in Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. The Civil Protection department has also assessed an orange alert in Trentino Alto Adige, Lombardy, Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, Campania and Molise, while the yellow alert concerns some sectors of the aforementioned regions and Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Marche , Umbria and Lazio. There are numerous locations where schools will remain closed, from Naples to Udine, from Pordenone to Viareggio. And there are also numerous cities, from North to South, where gardens, parks, villas and cemeteries are off-limits for tomorrow.

Another complex situation occurs in Friuli Venezia Giuliawhere strong winds, intense rain and high water are expected and rail traffic has been suspended and 14 extraordinary trains have been made available to allow commuters to return. Maximum attention in Emilia Romagnawhere the risk of landslides in the Apennines remains.

Heavy snowfall in the mountains of South Tyrol three weeks before the start of the ski season it snows. The accesses to the Stelvio pass were closed where the snow reached half a meter. Possible storm gusts in Liguria, where in the morning the continuous storms had already dropped 121 millimeters of rain in the Genoa area. At risk of strong storms also the northern Apennines and the Triveneto

According to the forecasts of the Italian Meteo Center, the sharp worsening will bring a generalized drop in temperatures with the entry of colder air from the polar extraction which will bring heavy snow to the Alps and some flakes to the central-northern Apennines. The bad weather should only give a break in the middle of next week.

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2023-11-02 23:22:00
#Bad #weather #North #South #alert #schools #closed


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