Andy Murray separates from his trainer Ivan Lendl for the third time

After a season that fell short of his expectations, Briton Andy Murray (36) has parted ways with his coach Ivan Lendl, he announced this Friday. This is the third time that the two men have separated, Lendl having already coached Murray from 2012 to 2014 then from 2016 to 2017. Lendl took him over as coach last March.

“Ivan has been by my side during the biggest moments of my career (during his three Grand Slam victories) and I can’t thank him enough for everything he has helped me achieve,” Murray said. “He is a unique personality who knows what it takes to win and I have learned a lot from him over the years. » The reluctance of Lendl, aged 63, to travel far from his bases in the United States, would be one of the reasons which encouraged the two men to interrupt their collaboration again.

This 2023 season has so far been mixed for Andy Murray. If the Scottish player managed to regain the top 50 places in the world (42nd) after experiencing serious hip problems, he has not obtained the expected results since.


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