An OM supporter in court after the OL bus was stoned

Thomas S., OM subscriber supporter, goes on trial this Thursday morning. Imprisoned following the stoning of the OL bus on October 29, he is accused of having thrown a stone. A window of the vehicle transporting OL players and managers had broken and coach Fabio Grosso, injured near the eye, was given a 30-day leave of absence. Thomas S.’s lawyer, Me Prosperini – who did not respond to our requests – had mentioned too much “emotion”, also believing that he had to “view the video surveillance” so that the night scene was better lit.

Me Defendini, the lawyer for the other defendant, Patrice G., accused of throwing a smoke bomb, had mentioned a “collective emotion of the moment which was not favorable”. The two defendants admitted the brutal facts, arguing that they had only “retaliated” against the Lyon supporters. If Patrice G., 50, manager in a household appliances store, had been released under judicial supervision, Thomas S. had been placed under a committal warrant, the court considering his case to be more serious. The first will be judged in January. Both face, in theory, up to ten years in prison.


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