Alexander Nübel’s Uncertain Future: A Glimmer of Hope for VfB Stuttgart?

Basically, so far there has been nothing to suggest that Alexander Nübel will stay at VfB beyond the summer of 2024. But the contract extensions of Manuel Neuer and Sven Ulreich at FC Bayern unexpectedly increase Stuttgart’s chances – a little bit.

So far, Alexander Nübel has remained adamantly silent about his future. IMAGO/Beautiful Sports

The keeper, who has been signed by FC Bayern until the summer, is undoubtedly one of the most important pillars in the VfB building, which is currently undergoing renovation. Nübel delivers convincing performances, plays a leadership role in the team and exceeds everyone’s expectations in many areas. At the same time, everyone involved assumed and assumed that this would be a short-lived happiness. Now the door could be opening for a tiny chance of staying.

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After the goalkeeper tandem Manuel Neuer (37) and his deputy Sven Ulreich (35) extended their contracts with FC Bayern by one year until the end of June 2025, Nübel’s return to his lender is more than unlikely. Especially since the Stuttgart native is no longer enthusiastic about the idea of ​​falling behind, as he was when he moved from FC Schalke to Munich in July 2020.

Nübel’s contract in Munich ends in 2025

Nübel’s contract with the record champions also ends in 2025. Playing as a backbencher for his rival Neuer for a year will not be an option. The 27-year-old is in his prime career-wise. He was able to polish up his qualities with publicity in the Bundesliga. He has achieved what was the plan of his engagement in Stuttgart: The Paderborn-born keeper, who was recently on loan to AS Monaco and who gave up around half of his original salary for VfB, is on everyone’s lips again. A man in demand.

Nübel is silent – VfB without a purchase option

Nübel remains silent about his future plans. He knows that he has (almost) everything in his own hands. It is very unlikely that he will forego a seven-figure amount of his salary again. It will not normally be possible to further increase the considerable salary of his number 33, for which VfB was unable to agree a purchase option. At best you would suddenly find yourself in international business. Preferably even in the premier class, which at least seems within reach at the moment. In addition, despite the contract only running for another year in 2024, FC Bayern certainly shouldn’t be handing out any cash gifts in terms of transfer fees. And an extension of the loan would only be possible if Nübel extended his stay in Munich. But does the 27-year-old see his future in Munich?

Questions upon questions whose answers cannot be predicted. In any case, the people of Stuttgart are making progress. Fabian Bredlow’s contract, which expires in the summer, has been extended until the end of June 2026. The 28-year-old would be ready if he were to be in demand again as number 1, which he carries on his back. It remains to be seen whether Dennis Seimen, who turns of age on Friday and is seen as the new bearer of hope, will be ready in the summer. The young professional was recently missing for several weeks due to a shoulder injury. Either way: Nübel’s future also concerns the future of others in Stuttgart.

2023-11-29 16:31:25
#VfB #Stuttgart #Alexander #Nübels #chances #increase #slightly


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