24 Hours of International Archery in Belfort: A Gathering of 432 Young Shooters from Multiple Countries and Disciplines

144 teams of three archers, i.e. 432 young shooters, women, men, able-bodied and with disabilities, coming from France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, with recurve bows, barebow (bare bow), or pulley (compound) will meet up this weekend. They will all face the 36 targets of the 24 hours of international archery in Belfort.

The event is organized for the 34th time by the SRB (Sports Réunions Belfortains) at the Benoît-Frachon center, rue de Vesoul in Belfort. It will start on Saturday at 2 p.m. and end on Sunday at the same time. The competition will be tough in recurve archery where two teams from Belfort of the Savoureuse archers can claim the podiums. The men’s team made up of Jacquey, Jouffroy and Fagon (2nd in 2022) and also the women’s collective with Covillers, Twardawa, and Weber, climbed to the top step during the last edition.

A much-awaited cadet

On the compound side, the Mérignac (Gironde) Burus team, Thierry can do it again. For the barebow, the prognosis remains difficult. During the last one, it was a team from Lons-le-Saunier (Jura), the Archers de Montciel, which won ahead of a team from Lure (Haute-Saône). “Among the young people, we should note the presence of the cadet Deffirier (Marchaux, Doubs) who holds two national titles in field archery and wild shooting,” specifies Yves Cayot, president of the SRB company and boss of the competition. But at all arcs, surprises are always possible, at the end of this marathon.

2023-11-02 13:00:00
#Archery #hours #facing #targets #Belfort #Sports #Reunions


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