“You have to match their intensity and minimize the bad stretches of the game”

Match the intensity that proposes the Brotherhood and maintain regularity in the game throughout the entire match, or in other words, minimize the negative sections of the match. That is the formula that the coach of the Morrazo refrigerators, Nacho Moyano, to add tomorrow against the Pamplona team what would be the first victory of the season for his team. The Madrid coach warns that the intensity to which he appeals “does not displease us, because we also put it into practice, but it is true that “They have been more linear and that is why they have won three consecutive victories.”

Moyano also emphasizes the importance of “Be very solid in defense. That it costs them a lot to score a goal, both in positional and in counterattack”, which implies that “we must be very serious about the balance and not lose balls that give them options to score easy goals.”

Frigoríficos overcomes the barrier of 1,500 members

The Cangas coach’s balance is positive in the first four days of the championship, insisting that “we have more game than points, and this is the first step to score more points. We have been very competitive, but we have been missing something, although we have drawn more positive conclusions than negative ones.” That “something” that Moyano refers to is nothing but regularity. “Have very good stretches of the game and others in which we were unable to maintain the same line of game. We must minimize those negative stretches in which we give rivals many options to get involved in the games,” he says. And the fact is that the last matches of O Morrazo’s team “have been a carbon copy, with excellent phases of play and others that hinder us a lot.”

Cangas adds a point with the flavor of victory

As for Anaitasuna, respect is maximum after their good performance in recent days. “It does not have the names of one of the squads that can stand out the most of the last, and yet, it is one of his best years competing,” Moyano summarizes. The Navarrese have lost Artur Pereira, Joao Pinto, Chocarro, Meoki and xavi Castro, being reinforced only with the first lines Rancans and Martinovic, in addition to the return of the youth players Albizu and Ortiz. And if that were not enough, Cancio’s serious injury further disrupted Quique Domínguez’s plans. “Except for the duel against Barcelona, ​​which is left out of the equation, “They have competed well, even in Cuenca, where they lost, giving an excellent image”he says, before warning that “they are a rival who will demand the maximum from us if we want to get the two points.”

The Navarrese started the season with defeats against Fútbol Club Barcelona and Cuenca, and later win consecutively over Granollers, Sinfín and, last weekend, at Ademar León.

Moses predicts equality until the end

Winger Moisés Simes, one of the veterans of the squad led by Nacho Moyano, predicts a “tough, complicated and even match until the end” against Anaitasuna, although he believes that the home court factor should tip the balance towards Cangas. “We are at home, with our fans, in O Gatañal, so we will fight and we can achieve victory”, sentence. It would be the first after four days in which the Cangueses have suffered two defeats against Logroño and Puente Genil and as many draws against Benidorm and Nava.

Good precedents last season

The Bueu player remembers that Pamplona is a rival that has not been bad at Frigoríficos in the last season, in which it took the four points at stake. “I think we won there by one and here by five.” [El Cangas venció 24-25 en Pamplona y 30-25 en O Gatañal]. We have to believe it and get our first victory,” he says. Regarding the state of the team, Moisés is very optimistic. “I see it well, with the people happy and working very well in training. cI believe that victory will come at any moment, and I hope it will be this Saturday [por mañana]”, says the Morracense player, scorer of four goals so far in the League.

2023-10-06 04:09:01
#match #intensity #minimize #bad #stretches #game


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