Yonne Sport Seniors: Promoting Active Aging and Mobility for Seniors in Yonne

Set up by the Department of Yonne, the Yonne Sport Seniors operation is a success which will experience several important moments this month of October.

While physical activity will be a Great National Cause in 2024, Yonne did not wait to get its inhabitants moving. The Department of Yonne and the Conference of Funders for the Prevention of Loss of Autonomy of Yonne have thus set up the “Yonne Sport Seniors” operation. A completely free operation, which has been a great success.

This operation consists of encouraging seniors (aged 55 to 90) to take up a sporting activity and promote their mobility. Yonne Sport Seniors is aimed at all seniors in the department as well as EHPADs (accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people). During the various meetings which have already taken place since the start of the year, the participating seniors have been able to discover numerous sporting activities.

Three meetings in this month of October

Encouraging them to engage in regular practice is part of the ambitions of the operation, in order to prevent these seniors from falling into a sedentary lifestyle. This operation is also an opportunity to encourage meetings and exchanges. This month of October is no exception to the rule. The operation will meet seniors who wish on October 5 in Tonnerre, October 12 in Quarré-les-Tombes and October 19 in Champs-sur-Yonne.

Different workshops will be offered throughout the day. Participants will be able to enjoy numerous unusual and adapted activities, supervised by professionals: archery, laser rifles, adapted biathlon, ball games, go-karts, hiking, Nordic walking. , disc golf, kin ball, stretching, relaxation, gymnastics workshops, badminton, racket games, electric cycling, adapted basketball, skill games and even foot golf are on the program.

2023-10-01 15:00:59
#Yonne #sport #seniors


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