Warmed Omari’s Defensive Struggles Cost Rennes in Loss to Lorient

Warmed Omari is likely to have a long Sunday afternoon. The young central defender (23 years old) got off to a very bad start in any case, offering two goals to Lorient. Two errors which benefited the Merlus, winners of a Breton derby although largely dominated by Rennes.

The former international Espoirs (2 selections) started his match with a grotesque own goal. Cutting a cross, he sent the ball against the post, before putting it in his own net when it returned to his legs (4th).

Fortunately for him, his partners did not think twice about this offering. Very high on the ground, the Rennes suffocated their neighbors, unable to leave their camp. And were rewarded when Ludovic Blas converted another high recovery, followed by a nice sequence of one-touch passes (21st). The former Nantes player could have been imitated by his partners if Yvon Mvogo had not made multiple stops (23rd, 26th, 27th), helped by his defense which always left one foot hanging.


Rennes have still not won away this season. After this defeat, the Rennais accumulated three draws and two losses, including one in the Europa League at Villarreal (0-1)

The siege of its surface did not stop and we had to wait 40 minutes to see Lorient build real action. An ardor rediscovered and rewarded a few moments later, when Isaak Touré doubled the lead for the Merlus, taking advantage of the passivity – again – of Omari (45th + 2). Enough to infuriate Bruno Génésio, very agitated on his bench, who replaced him at the break with Christopher Wooh.

Lorient therefore led two goals to one having only shot once on goal but came back with better intentions. The locals finally managed to string together several passes and Steve Mandanda had to make several saves, in front of Eli Kroupi Junior (55th), then Touré (see below).

Exploits to which Yvon Mvogo responded, enormous with his 5 saves and his domination in the air, who was even saved by a slight offside from Bertug Yildirim when he was beaten (78th). A lack of realism which is costly for Benjamin Bourigeaud’s teammates who are still not moving forward.

Rennes have only won once in Ligue 1 in two months, in the clash against Nantes (3-1), and have only 11 points in nine days. Far from the ambitions displayed at the start of the season, but also from Nice, already 7 points ahead. Lorient gives itself some fresh air, on the other hand, with the first victory since August 27, against Lille (4-1). Three points which give the Merlus some breathing space and take them out of the red zone.

The player: Isaak Touré

The former Marseillais was recruited to bring physical density to the Lorient defense, however it was offensively that he weighed the most this Sunday. The trait may be caricatured but Isaak Touré especially stood out in front of Mandanda’s cages. First with his goal, then with two headers in a row, one of which forced the goalkeeper to make a huge save (60th). Too passive in his area at the start of the match, the defender then gained momentum, in his sometimes unacademic style. And took advantage of his size (2m06) to deflect the numerous Rennes centers. A full match therefore, the best since his arrival in Brittany this summer.

2023-10-22 12:54:53
#Rennes #stumbles #Ligue #Breton #derby #Lorient


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