War between Hamas and Israel: controversy surrounding a tweet from Karim Benzema

Home Sports Football Karim Benzema

Published on 10/19/2023 10:33 p.m. Updated on 10/19/2023 11:06 p.m.

Duration of the video: 1 min Franceinfo

On X, formerly Twitter, Karim Benzema gave his support to the inhabitants of Gaza. Since then, the footballer, current Ballon d’Or, has been at the heart of a controversy. What facts are he accused of?

In a statement, Monday October 16, the Minister of the Interior targets Karim Benzema. “For several weeks, I have been particularly interested in Mr. Benzema who, as we all know, has notorious links with the Muslim Brotherhood”, declared Gérald Darmanin on CNews. Comments contested by the former striker of the France team. Through his lawyer, Karim Benzema will file a complaint against the Minister of the Interior for public insults.

Other political figures concerned

Other personalities are in the footballer’s sights, such as senator Valérie Boyer. If her links with the Muslim Brotherhood are proven, she requests the withdrawal of her Ballon d’Or, as well as a “loss of nationality”. Nadine Morano called it “Hamas propaganda element”. They accuse him, among other things, of a tweet of support for the inhabitants of Gaza. “All our prayers for the inhabitants of Gaza who are once again victims of these unjust bombings which spare no women or children”, he wrote. The player’s lawyer indicates that he has justified himself. He said that the bombings in Gaza do not take away from the horror of the terrorist acts of October 7 in Israel.


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