Vienne Badminton Club Organizes 26th Edition of National Tournament with Over 400 Players

It must be admitted, badminton is not the most publicized sport there is!

And yet, the Vienne badminton club (CBV) is one of the largest in Isère with 264 licensees in 2023-2024. It is among the five largest clubs in Isère and the twenty in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes league.

A weight which allows it, with the help of its volunteers, around forty in total, to organize important championships, as will be the case this weekend of Saturday October 28 and Sunday October 29.

The Badminton Vienna Club is therefore preparing for a big weekend, with the 26th edition of its national singles and doubles tournament.

In total, 420 players are expected in Vienna, coming from the twelve departments of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, but also from Seine-et-Marne, Var, Vaucluse, Hautes-Alpes, and also Côte-d’ Gold.

420 players, fans of the wheel, but also 66 clubs registered for this competition.

This tournament will take place in the two gymnasiums: at l’Isle and at Georges Brassens in Pont-Évêque.

It must be said that during this weekend dedicated to competitive driving, nearly 500 matches will be scheduled!

Please note, the matches are open to spectators who will be able to attend high-level matches, often spectacular: at the Isle gymnasium on Saturday at 9 a.m. with the ladies’ singles series 1, at 2 p.m. with the mixed doubles series 1 , at 2:30 p.m. with the men’s singles series 1.

But also, on Sunday from 11:15 a.m. when the men’s and women’s doubles of series 1 will begin.

A competition which should undoubtedly, if there was still a need, promote the development of badminton in Vienna…

2023-10-27 11:57:40
#players #expected #matches #Vienna #French #capital #Badminton #weekend


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