Victor Wembanyama: The Highly Anticipated NBA Debut of a French Phenomenon

That’s it ! In two days, Victor Wembanyama will make his NBA debut. A moment that the world of basketball and even sport in general has been impatiently waiting for months. The preseason gave some very positive indications about the French interior. To the point where certain personalities in the NBA world are not afraid to ignite. A former champion did not mince his words on the French phenomenon!

The preseason gave us a taste of what he could do in the NBA, even if the intensity is logically lower. Victor Wembanyama has shown excellent things and already seems to confirm certain expectations placed on him. Never has a drafted player been so talked about in the league since LeBron James in 2003 and it’s not about to stop. At 2.24m tall, Wemby impresses with his play on the floor, but also because he resists unprecedented media pressure.

Kendrick Perkins gapes at Wembanyama

Pour Kendrick Perkins, who recently addressed his case on ESPN, there is simply no longer room for doubt about the pivot: He has everything for a very great future and much more: “Victor Wembanyama will become the best player in the league both sides of the field in the next three years. He’s a 2m23 Kevin Durant on offense, there’s nothing he can’t do and defensively, we’ve never seen anything like him. His ability to stabilize the defense all over the field, even when he’s not involved in the action… it’s crazy. » conceded the former Celtics pivot.

Objective “ROY” and playoffs to start

A daring but not impossible prognosis if The animal continues to progress continuously. For now, we must let the Alien acclimate to his new life, his new teammates, let him make mistakes and learn from his mistakes, let him win, lose, doubt, celebrate. Anyway, to succeed in his first season, Wemby has said it: he wants to win the rookie of the year trophy and play in the playoffs with the Spurs. A delicate mission but within the reach of his talent. To be continued…

2023-10-24 13:16:58
#NBA #announces #heavy #Wembanyama #years


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