Uriel Canjura Advances to Quarterfinals at Santiago 2023 Pan American Games in Badminton

The match was held on the fields of the discipline at the Santiago Olympic Training Center.

CHILI. – Uriel Canjura continues to advance in the men’s singles category in the Badminton at the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games. In 27 minutes, the Salvadoran defeated Colombian Miguel Quirama 2-0 (21-10 and 21-7) and advanced to the quarterfinals . The match was played on the discipline’s courts at the Santiago Olympic Training Center.
Uriel’s start was impressive, he quickly took a lead of more than 5 points. Every unit that Quirama put up on the scoreboard was celebrated with great euphoria. When Miguel tried to speed up the game, the national team showed a lot of experience and returned the wheel very calmly to continue expanding the advantage that until the first half called was 11-3.

In the middle of the set, Canjura began to see how the coffee grower closed the distance and from being almost 10 points he became six, but when the player from Suchitoto pressed he put the advantage to double digits.

Quirama made one of the longest points of the first set. This was to go 10-20 down, but Uriel knew how to handle it and with 21-10 he took the first set.

For the second, the national team’s dominance was the same as the first and in the blink of an eye the advantage was more than four units and despite an attempt by the Colombian to react, Canjura’s experience weighed and he expanded his advantage to six units (11-5).

«Yesterday was a final and today was a hard and close match; The key was to be consistent and solid. I knew that trust was going to help and, thank God, we got the result. The sets were fought but the game plan worked. “We have already taken another step towards the final,” said Uriel Canjura, a Salvadoran badminton player.

2023-10-22 14:59:10
#Uriel #Canjura #advanced #quarterfinals #Badminton #Santiago #Pan #American #Games


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