Unforgettable Names and Unexpected Reactions in “Bastis Corner” Chat

That didn’t suit him at all…

In the latest edition of “Bastis Corner” on the streaming platform Dyn, presenter Bastian Doreth (34) chatted casually with basketball player Zac Ensminger (22), point guard at BG Göttingen.

It was also about his famous father Chris Ensminger (49/485 BBL games), his time in Bonn, what he learned there from playmaker TJ Shorts and the season so far with Göttingen.

Almost a year gone Is Neuer only second choice?

Source: BILD October 20, 2023

When the conversation then turned to Ensminger’s new teammate Osaro Jürgen Rich (25), Doreth revealed how he antagonized the Lübeck native last year. Because Doreth also knows Rich quite well. Both played together at Medi Bayreuth in the Bundesliga last season.

Doreth remembers: “When he was introduced to me, I addressed him as Jürgen. He was really angry with me.” And further: “‘I am Osaro,’ he then said to me. Only my friends in Hamburg are allowed to call me Jürgen.”

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Rich then immediately gave the reason why he couldn’t do anything with his middle name “Jürgen”, as Doreth said: “This is now a new chapter outside of Hamburg.”

Basti Doreth in the Bayreuth jersey. Since this summer he has been working as a commentator on the streaming service Dyn

Photo: Sven Hoppe/dpa

Rich played for Hamburg Towers from 2017 to 2022. After a year in Bayreuth, he ended up at BG Göttingen. After relegation, Doreth went to his hometown club Nuremberg in the second division with Bayreuth – and started as a presenter at Dyn.

And how does Ensminger address his new teammate? “I call him Rich,” he says, laughing. Apparently he didn’t do anything wrong…

2023-10-20 16:54:18
#Basketball #played #BBL #professional #angry #moderator #Sports


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