Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Meeting with Journalist Luigi Sandri

Acli Pinerolo and Turin, San Domenico Volunteers Association, Pine Hope Festival and CFIQ are organizing a meeting with Luigi Sandri, journalist expert on the Israeli-Palestinian situation, in the church of San Domenico on 7 November 2023 at 9pm.

On Tuesday 7 November at 9pm the Church of San Domenico (Piazza Marconi 5) in Pinerolo hosts the open meeting “Israel Palestine – Understanding the reasons for the conflict, to seek a path to peace”, organized by some local entities

Acli Turin Acli Pinerolo San Domenico Volunteer Association (Avosd) Pine Hope Festival CFIQ

given the tragic situation of these days in Palestine and Israel and as a continuation of the reflections on human rights made at the Festival of Hope in Pinerolo, in September 2023.

The reasons behind the war in Palestine

To reconstruct the reasons that led to these terrorist acts and this war, but above all to try to imagine paths to peace, we invited Luigi Sandri, an expert journalist on the Israeli-Palestinian situation, who was ANSA correspondent in Tel Aviv for many years and continues to follow both the political situation and the peace experiences being built in Israel and Palestine.

Meeting with students

On the morning of November 8th, Luigi Sandri will also talk with some children from the schools of Pinerolo.

2023-10-30 23:49:41
#Pinerolo #meeting #Luigi #Sandri #tragedy #Palestine


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