Tragic Death of Surveyor Tommaso Cicoli in Road Accident Shakes Castel Gandolfo

Published: Thursday, 05 October 2023 – current affairs editorial team

CASTEL GANDOLFO (current events) – for 2 years he had been working as a surveyor in the Municipality of Castel Gandolfo.

Below is the note from the mayor Alberto De Angelis, on the premature death of the surveyor Tommaso Cicoli which occurred yesterday evening at the San Camillo hospital in Rome, after an accident with the motorbike, a Yamaha TMax 500, on via Nettunense, in the Bellavista area, shortly before 17, in the municipality of Lanuvio, a few meters from Aprilia, where he lived. He was returning home on his motorbike when he collided with an SUV, a Remault Kadjar driven by a woman (her 12 year old son was also on board), who was also slightly injured, which was coming in the opposite direction, ending up after a tragic he flew a few meters over a sharp iron railing which caused him injuries and unfortunately fatal traumas. However, the woman and her son were transported to the Castelli Romani hospital for medical checks.

“Today is a sad day, the City and the Municipality of Castel Gandolfo have lost a friend, a colleague and with him they have lost their sunshine.

Yesterday evening, after a tragic and fatal road accident, Tommaso Cicoli died. He was 41 years old and had been working as a surveyor for the Municipality of Castel Gandolfo for 2 years.

In a short time he had conquered everyone with his smile, his cheerfulness, his easygoing nature and always ready with a joke. A cheerful and carefree soul behind which he hid professionalism at work and great kindness on the human side.

It leaves a big void.

The Mayor Alberto De Angelis and the Councilor Tiziano Mariani, already last night, when the news of the seriousness of the accident had arrived, visited the family, reaching them at the San Camillo Hospital where Tommaso had been urgently transported with the air ambulance.

There are no words to describe the closeness to his wife Alessia and his young daughters, to his mother and brother, to all his relatives and friends. May they receive a hug in the sense of deep and sincere condolences from the Mayor, the Council, colleagues and colleagues in the hope that it can alleviate the loss in some way.

On the day of the funeral there will be public mourning as a sign of respect and remembrance.

The Municipality and the square of Castel Gandolfo will now be quieter without your voice and your smiles.

Hi Thomas.”

“Having heard the news of the tragic and premature death of our friend Tommaso, the whole group of Brothers of Italy expresses its condolences and rallies with affection around the family. A kiss to heaven Tommy”. Thus in a note the Circolo di Fratelli d’Italia of Aprilia. Tommaso Cicoli had run for the municipal council for Fdi in the municipal elections of Aprilia, where he had worked in the municipality as a surveyor before arriving at the municipality of Castel Gandolfo.

2023-10-05 12:12:51
#Castel #Gandolfo #Municipality #mourning #death #Tommaso #Cicoli #died #yesterday #motorbike #accident #Nettunense


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