Thousands Gather at Sanctuary of Lluc for Sample of Hobbies Event

Thousands Gather at Sanctuary of Lluc for Sample of Hobbies Event

Nearly 5,000 people passed through the Sanctuary of Lluc last weekend to visit the Sample of Hobbies, an event that brought together all kinds of hobbies, from archery to historical recreation of miniature battles, through jewelry, macramé, yoga, judo, models, glass crafts with Phoenician technique, drawing and caricatures. “This event was born three years ago as a Modeling and Radio Control Show, but it ended up opening to all types of hobbies given the avalanche of requests we received from different groups,” explains Jordi Rigo, president of the RC Mallorca Trial Club Association, organizing entity of the event. “Anyone who has a hobby and wants to show it can contact us to participate,” he says. There were more than 40 hobbies collected this year in the vicinity of Lluc within the framework of an event in which 250 people participated and whose proceeds will be given to the Sanctuary for solidarity purposes.

Among the new features that were incorporated this year, a large area called the Harry Potter Universe stands out, in which various elements of the saga have been recreated and activities such as wand duels or a magic potions laboratory were held. There was also an area dedicated to archaeology, in which experts in this field showed their work, gave workshops and exhibited various finds, such as human and myotragus remains or the replica of the Talayotic sword recently found in Puigpunyent. This year it also incorporated a team of psychologists dedicated to naturotherapy. Another novelty was a professional shooting and hunting simulator that is used to practice these disciplines. For children, a children’s software set in the Wild West was enabled in which barrels, cowboy hats and other inanimate elements are shot, clay pigeon style.

Furthermore, this year, the Exhibition opted heavily for live shows, with performances by Xeremiers de Sóller, Calle Manigua, Jaume Gili or Petitxandongos. There was also a medieval fighting exhibition by the Sea Guard and a replica of the iron throne of Game of Thrones. Steampunk fans were not missing from the event, a cultural and artistic movement based on the fantastic literature of Victorian era authors such as Jules Verne and HG Wells, who occupied a noticeably larger space than last year, given the interest aroused by their original aesthetic proposal.

A participant, doing a circuit with a vehicle. Photo: Emilio Queirolo

But, of course, the disciplines that had the most prominence were modeling and radio control. Regarding the first, the president of the Siurell Model Association, Lucas Hernández Morell, highlights as novelties “Harry Potter’s chess, Han Solo’s and Blade Runner’s guns and Anakin Skywalker’s ship, all made with a 3D printer, “a technology that is opening up many possibilities for fans of this hobby.” As for radio control, all types of radio controlled vehicles could be seen, such as cars, SUVs, trucks, trailers, excavators, tractors, trains, drones and even an EMT bus or a Civil Guard vanon different scales and spread over a dozen circuits of various sizes.

After assistants, with a remote-controlled vehicle. Photo: Emilio Queirolo

Byron Jaramillo, member of the RC Team, explains that “unfortunately, we have not been able to use the larger vehicles, 1:5 scale, because on Saturday it rained and mud formed, which complicates everything. Be that as it may, we are delighted to be here, to be able to proudly display our hobby and shake off the taboo that weighs on adults who continue to enjoy radio-controlled vehicles. It is a way to bring out the child that we all have inside to play,” he highlights.

2023-10-22 15:16:16
#Fairs #Mallorca #Meeting #hobbies #Lluc


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