Thierry Henry Yet to Discuss Kylian Mbappé’s Potential Participation in Paris Olympics 2024

Thierry Henry, coach of the France Espoirs team, assures that he has not yet discussed with Kylian Mbappé his possible presence at the Paris Olympic Games in 2024.

Thierry Henry clarifies things: he is “more than happy” to compete in the Olympic Games at the head of the French team next summer. Since his appointment in August, the Espoirs coach has often repeated that it is not his priority at the moment, he who first wants to ensure qualifying for Euro Espoirs 2025 (the Bleuets travel to Bosni-Herzegovina on Friday, then host Cyprus on Tuesday). The 1998 world champion therefore assures that it is still too early to plan.

Henry has not yet spoken about it with Mbappé

This does not prevent him from answering burning questions on the subject, the main one of which: will Kylian Mbappé participate in the Olympics? Henry assures that he has not yet discussed it with the main person concerned.

“No, I haven’t spoken with Kylian about all that,” he explains in L’Equipe. “Even if, like everyone else, I heard that he would like to do them.”

He smiles when the journalist points out that he has the “same level of information” as everyone else. “Yes, not far,” he agrees.

The former Arsenal legend recalls that he is aiming for gold at the Olympics, when the Federation is rather aiming for the last four. The coach will turn to the objective from March and will then begin work to convince the clubs to release their players and avoid the fiasco of the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.

“When the time comes to do it, it’s completely normal, yes,” he concludes. “At the right time, I will be there. But I completely understand the enthusiasm in France today for the Olympics, there is no problem.”

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2023-10-10 05:11:48
#Henrys #response #presence #Mbappé #Olympics


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