The Values and Benefits of Judo: An Interview with Mr. Gertel

Dear Mr. Gertel, you have been a trainer for judo and jujutsu at Hadashi Fürstenau eV for 23 years. What exactly excites you about judo and what distinguishes martial arts from other sports?

Judo is my personal life philosophy: On the one hand, it is important to use technique and strength at the right moment and to work out, and on the other hand, respectful treatment and willingness to help within the framework of clear rules ensure safety. Our trainers live these judo values ​​and the children internalize them as a matter of course.

In judo, height, weight or other physical characteristics are not important. Every child can promote their individual strengths and use them to their advantage. All children are treated equally. Every child trains with everyone else: bigger ones with smaller ones, stronger ones with weaker ones. It is not uncommon for a fight to turn out differently than expected, as strength and technique can be specifically explored.

Mr. Gertel, what does partner training and joint training of girls and boys actually achieve?

Through partner training in judo, we learn from an early age to take responsibility for another person. In judo, an opponent is always a partner and often even a friend, on whom we depend and for whom we have a duty of care at all times. Through partner training, our children learn to assess, understand and get along with their counterparts. In this way they also reflect on themselves and their own behavior. Even if they fight against each other, the goal is togetherness.

Gender plays no role in judo. We train together and I have only had positive experiences with it so far. Girls often mobilize all their strength when they compete against boys and try out everything they have practiced. And boys learn to restrain themselves from time to time.

You can find the complete interview of all participants here:

This text was created by:
Hadashi Fürstenau e.V.

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2023-10-20 14:14:07
#martial #arts #children #selfconfidence #selfconfidence


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