the next Dakar marathon is actively being prepared

The next edition of the Eiffage Dakar marathon will take place next November. The Senegalese capital will once again be the theater of sport and culture.

Published on: 10/19/2023 – 3:42 p.m.

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After 2016, 2019 and 2021, the Dakar marathon will be organized again in 2023. The great athletics celebration in the streets of Dakar will take place on November 18 and 19. A marathon village, a place of life and entertainment, will be set up over two days at the Museum of Black Civilizations. There you will find, among other things, a kids stadium, which will offer numerous activities for children aged 8 to 13. During the last editions, more than 15,000 people visited the marathon village.

« Sport and culture is about sharing, respect »

Regarding the sporting aspect, in addition to the marathon, a half-marathon, a 10 km and two hikes will be offered. The marathon route is traced mainly on the Dakar corniche.

« This looks good. We have started registrations. There is still work to be done on logistics. There is enthusiasm. Before registration opened, people were starting to get impatient. We are focused on having a great event. Since the first edition, we have made a lot of progress in the organization. I’m not saying everything is perfect, but this meeting has become important for Dakar », Testifies for RFI Jean-Philippe Allaire, member of the organizing committee. Registrations can be done online at and in different places in the city (TER stations, Auchan stores, Vivo stations, Dakar town hall, etc.).

Ladji Doucouré, world champion in the 110 meter hurdles in 2005, will be the godfather of this new fourth edition. “ It’s good to lend a hand to develop the sport in West Africa. As a Franco-Senegalese-Malian, I am happy to be able to highlight this event, especially since Dakar will host the Youth Olympic Games in 2026. “, he said on RFI’s microphone. “ Sport and culture are about sharing, respect, it’s good for everyone », he adds.


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