The Lions of the Chosen One: Ready to Roar in LIDOM 2023-24

The Lions of the Chosen One have been left behind and out of the money in LIDOM in recent seasons, which is why in 2023-24, they come with everything.

Without a doubt, the roar of the lion is being felt since free agency, since, on this occasion, Bonetti’s men will try to go further and make the necessary investments to meet the first goal, qualify and then, go all out to achieve the crown 17.

The last team to repeat championships is the one that is most eager to show results and has a great core to do so.

The players that the Chosen One will have in LIDOM 2023-24

If we start naming the select list that the scarlet troop will have in 2023-24, it seems, at least on paper, that the matter is serious.

Starting with Franmil Reyes, Jimmy Paredes, Pedro Severino, part of a team with the ability to hit and make runs.

Leones del Esgido, with a good group from the beginning in LIDOM

Likewise, Sando Fabian and Elier Hernández, young people who have been productive in the recent past, added to Aderlin Rodríguez, who is still at the club.

In addition, Francisco Urbáez who is showing a good start in LIDOM, as well as José Marmolejos who must demonstrate his value in the league.

Those who arrived at Leones del Esgido

Another important and determining group are those who came to the red team in various ways to contribute to the Scarlet Table.

The most prominent figure, Junior Lake, with others like Sandber Pimentel, who can add to the red offensive.

Also, Wendell Rijo, who also arrives from the east with the defined objective of repeating his great campaign in LIDOM.

Abraham Almonte is an outfielder with respect for the experience of a major leaguer and Yeison Asencio, with the task of exploiting.

On the other hand, Deivy Grullón remains a contributing piece as long as he is in shape.

Players of the new red litter

Finally, the team has young people who add to the club, as is the case of Junior Caminero, first selection in the 2023 Rookie Draft.

Along those same lines, Marco Luciano, who has a name and quote, Otto López, who has just spent a lot of time on the injured list in baseball in the United States.

This group, added to good arms, can greatly help the red cause, which has seen few successes in recent seasons.

You can read: LIDOM: Estévez talks about his philosophy at the head of the Chosen One (Video)

2023-10-09 10:20:13
#Lions #Chosen #seek #crown #LIDOM


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