The Judo Safari: A Fun and Exciting Sports Badge Program for Children

The Judo Safari is the judo-related sports badge for children. Divided into three age groups, the aim was to collect as many points as possible in various disciplines in order to receive the coveted badges. On the one hand, a sumo tournament was organized in the fighting part so that siblings who were not judoka also had a chance. There was a creative part in which the participants had to create something at home on the topic of “Judo” in general. This ranged from paintings to all sorts of handicrafts to a competition hall made of Lego bricks. The “works of art” were then evaluated by an independent jury. In the athletics part, standing long jump, medicine ball throw and a ninja course awaited the children.
The badges are essentially based on the colors of the judo belts, i.e. the darker, the stronger or better:
Unfortunately, no child could achieve the best badge, the black panther.
But four participants achieved the brown bear: Tim Krüger, Joleen Fahl, Lina Rüping and Pascal Behrendt.
The blue eagle was won by: Adrian Gadegast, Lea Schulz, Max Kähm, Lena Püschel, Sonya Kähm, Luis Püschel, Sophia Rump and Lars Klinke.
Emmy Gärtner, Alessia Ladeck, Laura Schulz, Felizitas Kolisko, Jana Eckey, Leni Schönbeck, Fynn Vogt, Nikola Bertele and Sophia Gadegast were happy about the green snake.
Joschua Wieczorek, Emma Busse and Nele Wöste still have some room for improvement with the red fox.
Just like Emma Wöste, who received the yellow kangaroo.
After the sporting activity, a social gathering with bratwurst and salad was on the agenda.

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2023-10-06 15:31:41
#Judo #safari #1st #JJJC #Lünen #big #small #children #safari #1st #JJJC #Lünen


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