The Gentle Way: Exploring the Mental and Physical Benefits of Judo at Judo Club Oberpullendorf

Judo translated from Japanese means “the gentle way”. “This illustrates the principles of this martial art very well. It’s about winning by giving in with the help of various throwing and ground techniques (holding), which in later training ages also include levers and choking techniques. Not included are punching and kicking techniques, which are not used in judo, but these can be countered and defended very well with the appropriate judo technique,” ​​explains Thomas Hampl, chairman of the Oberpullendorf judo club and trainer since 2018. Deputy chairman Susi Kirnbauer also supports the training operations in the club, which was founded in 1976.

The aim of this is to further promote and promote the sport of judo in the district and to introduce young talent to this holistic sport. “I came into contact with this sport through my sons when I was in my late thirties. Since the parents were always present at the training, some of them came up with the idea of ​​training themselves,” says Hampl. An adult training group was founded around 15 years ago. She trains once a week on Saturdays for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

“The fascinating thing about our sport, in contrast to other sports, is the equal mental and physical training, which can also be used very well in everyday life. Just think about falling safely and self-defense in emergency situations,” says Hampl. And further: “Although our sport is an individual sport, the community and team feeling is not neglected during training and tournament events, as you cannot train without a partner. Respecting and protecting your partner and the rules is one of the principles of judo and ultimately leads to strengthening self-esteem.”

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Photo: Judo Club Oberpullendorf Photo: Judo Club Oberpullendorf Photo: Judo Club Oberpullendorf Anzeige

Club series

Judo Club Oberpullendorf: “The gentle way” to sport. The sport of judo offers both mental and physical training.

The club’s successes include state championship titles by Fabian Hampl as well as several titles in various tournaments and cup events nationwide. “The special thing about our team is the friendship outside of the mat and the activities we do during the training-free time during the summer holidays as a real community. This year we had the opportunity to work out for a day in the Sonnenland climbing garden,” says Hampl.

We are looking forward to new members aged 6 and over. Anyone interested can still come to free trial lessons during training times in October. These are Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. or 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. (adult group). Training is currently taking place in the gymnasium at Stoob Middle School.

2023-10-07 05:08:51
#Club #series #Judoclub #Oberpullendorf #gentle #sport


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