The European Judo Championships Return to Sud de France Arena: President of French Federation Welcomes the Event

The European Championships will take place from November 3 to 5 at the Sud de France Arena. The president of the French Federation welcomes this.

For the second time in its history, the Sud de France Arena is hosting the European Judo Championships from November 3 to 5. The first edition, in 2014, was a great success, including one of Teddy Riner’s countless coronations. This time, the colossus will not be traveling to Montpellier. But Stéphane Nomis, the president of the French Federation, assures us, the spectacle will indeed be there, a few months before the Olympic Games in France.

How are these European Championships looking at home?

Pretty good. We are in a beautiful moment. There’s a lot of pressure. It’s the last big event before the Olympic Games. We’re going to get the job done.

“We don’t care about the number of medals at these European Championships”

After Montpellier, there will still be Worlds (their date has not yet been set), then the “Europe” 2024, in Croatia…

It will still be a great rehearsal before the Olympics. But be careful, if our athletes know that they will have to perform, it will remain training in the run-up to the Games. We don’t care a bit about the number of medals at these European Championships. It’s not vital for us. What matters is the preparation, the commitment that everyone will make to be ready in nine months. We’re on the road. You shouldn’t be ready too early.

Why did you choose Montpellier?

Initially, it was France which applied. Subsequently, several cities took position. Our choice ultimately fell on Montpellier, because we remembered the organization of the 2014 European Championships. It went really well. The stadium was full, the results were there. In short, it was the right place for this dress rehearsal.

On conquered ground

Montpellier and French judo, it’s a story that lasts…

Here we are on conquered territory. Montpellier is a real land of judo. And we want to use it as such. For today but also for the years to come. Our story with Montpellier will not end with the European Championships. It will develop thanks to the mayor, to the Region… Everyone is putting in place a system so that French judo is at home in Montpellier. It’s awesome.

The final preparation course for the French men’s team before the Olympics will take place in Montpellier.

The boys will be in Montpellier, the girls in Vichy. They will be based at Creps. We’ve been coming here for fifteen years. They will be at home, they have their habits there. And it always went well. It is important. Lots of cities had made proposals. Some accommodation was much better than that of Creps, in Montpellier, we’re not going to lie. But history, fidelity, loyalty, that matters. We share the same values. It’s important to return the ball.

Will the Sud de France Arena be full?

We exceeded 60, 70% (last Tuesday) of occupancy. It’s going to be full. There is no subject. We are sure of ourselves. It’s a great event, the champions will be there. It will be alright.

A few months before the end of a lifetime for a champion, but also for a federation, how does the president of the federation feel?

When you see how it happens in all the federations, it’s still complicated. Everyone has pressure for results. Judo represents 25% of the medals in Tokyo… Judo has 14 fighters, 8 medals in the last two editions (Rio 2016, Tokyo 2021). We hope to do the same thing.

Quite a challenge…

470 French people will participate in the next Olympic Games. And around forty will be medalists. That’s less than one in ten. The ratio of judokas is one to two. The pressure is primarily between the judokas in our country. It’s very complicated. Everyone wants their place. Because those selected have a one in two chance of winning a medal. It’s an internal war to have this place. This is why some people contact the CNOSF, the Sports Court, to have their place, the same chances… We have a rich man’s problem. It’s extremely hard to make choices, to decide. Not everyone can understand, but at some point you have to decide. We try to decide as best as possible so that France can succeed in its Olympic Games.

2023-10-23 07:22:55
#Montpellier #true #land #judo #declaration #love #Stéphane #Nomis #president #Fédé


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