The Blues Captain and Coach Express Frustration over Refereeing in World Cup Defeat Against South Africa

The captain of the Blues had it bad after the defeat of the XV of France against South Africa in the quarter-finals of the World Cup.

When we lose by one point, as is the case of the French XV against South Africa in the quarter-finals of the World Cup, we can redo the match and find a dozen moments where everything could have changed. . This is the case for the Blues.

“There are so many plays, key moments in this game, reacted Fabien Galthié at a press conference. Maybe when we lead 7-0, and when Etzebeth cuts the trajectory of the ball, it’s a very strong moment not concluded. Instead of 12 or 14 points for us, it was 7-12 a while later. »

“And I think of our progress under the posts at the end of the match, continues the French coach, if the ball comes out faster, if it is available, the action can end differently. There are quite a few little moments when Antoine cannot pass a ball. There are facts of the game which, when added together, are notorious. There was so much going on in this match. »

“The refereeing was not up to par”

Galthié seems to mention refereeing, and the question was then asked more clearly to the coach and to his captain. “And what did you think? replied a very frustrated Antoine Dupont about the arbitration. It’s to have an outside perspective. It’s hard to have this speech, we can’t wait to see the images again which will make us even more frustrated. There are several situations. When there is an advance of 60 meters and we slow down a ruck, these are clear and obvious things, easy to whistle. I’m not going to be the bitter person who talks about the arbitration because he lost. But I think the refereeing was not up to par. »

“That doesn’t take anything away from the performance of the South Africans, however added Dupont, spontaneously. They had a great second half, which dominated us in the fight. They had a great match. » Fabien Galthié continued, trying to calm things down. “It’s not just the referee, there’s also the TMO who can help him. I can understand the players’ frustration, but I will ask them to move on, asked the boss of the Blues. I won’t go into that area. I will congratulate the refereeing body. And above all, say well done to the South Africans and their staff. With fair play. »

2023-10-15 22:10:00
#Antoine #Dupont #terrible #rant #referee


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