Terrifying Encounter: Woman Robbed at Gunpoint in Imola

Terrifying Encounter: Woman Robbed at Gunpoint in Imola

Imola, 5 October 2023 – “He pointed one at me gun to the stomach asking me for money. Terrible moments in which I feared for my life.” It’s the story of one 38 year old city resident who, on Monday afternoon, ended up in the sights of a bandit who attacked her in via Venturininext to the cycle/pedestrian path.

It is around 5pm and the young woman is sitting on a bench sunbathing, 50 meters from the entrance to the Teatro dell’Osservanza. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she sees a boy in electric scooter which passes close to her until it almost stops. The young man, however, aged between 20 and 30, continues on his way, making the 38-year-old breathe a sigh of relief.

A few minutes – probably the time it takes the young man to walk around the block – and for the woman it is the beginning of the nightmare. In fact, this time, the boy stops in front of her and, in a few moments, He pulls out a gun and points it at his belly.

“He told me “Give me the money“ – says the 38-year-old –. Then I heard a click, as if the weapon, which did not have a red cap and appeared to be made of metal, had been loaded. I was afraid that, even by mistake, a shot could go off and I remained still. At that point he took the bag which I had placed on the bench and took off at full speed.”

Once the shock was over, the young woman did launches in pursuit screaming at that man to stop, but a girl on foot certainly can’t compete with a motorized scooter. And so the bandit disappears.

The 38-year-old therefore has nothing left to do but contact the police who, once they have collected the man’s description, issue a search note. Research which, for now, has not led to any results. The stock exchange, however, was found by the 38-year-old herself who, a few hours after the incident, returned to the scene hoping to recover at least her personal effects.

“I saw the bag in a rubbish bin – he explains –. Only ten euros were missing and a bunch of tobacco.”

Very clear though the description provided by the 38-year-old who, in addition to the police, can also be useful to other citizens to avoid further attacks. “He was a boy about one meter and 85 centimeters tall – says the woman –. He had the black beard, he was wearing a baseball cap and a black and white patterned shirt. He was a good looking guy, maybe of Albanian or South Eastern European nationality, but I don’t rule out that it could also have been an Italian. He had an olive complexion and I didn’t notice any particular accents. Obviously with the few words he spoke.”

The 38-year-old, who has already filed a complaint with the military, confirms the concerns of many residents of the area. “The neighbors who live in the buildings around there, in front of the 9/11 Victims Park, said they had filed various complaints about the presence of a baby gang in front of the park who skids on his motorbike, has shady dealings and has already threatened various passers-by including my mother and a boy I know – concludes the 38-year-old -. A situation that was difficult to imagine, until some time ago, in our beautiful Imola”.

2023-10-05 05:03:43
#gun #pointed #stomach


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