Table Tennis Players Yagi and Wada Secure Spot in Paris 2024 Paralympics

by Miharu Araki Table tennis players Yagi and Wada win singles! Acquired the right to participate in Paris (Photographed by Yoshiharu Uehara)

At the Hangzhou Asian Para Games, the table tennis singles final was held on the 25th, and Katsukatsu Yagi (Ryukyu Astida) of boys’ class 7 and Natsuki Wada (Elephant TTC Table Tennis Center) of girls’ class 11 won the championship, and they will advance to Paris 2024 next year. He qualified for the Paralympic Games.

Yagi defeated Tokyo Para gold medalist YAN Shuo (China) in straight sets in the semifinals and advanced to the final. In the final, she defeated Tokyo Para bronze medalist LIAO Keli (China) 3-0 and came out on top. In the final, Wada achieved a 3-1 come-from-behind victory over WONG Ting Ting (Hong Kong), who placed third in the Tokyo Paralympics. Wada is 20 years old and just made his international debut last year. I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of play he will show in Paris with this momentum.

(Report and text by Miharu Araki, photography by Yoshiharu Uehara)

Share this article Author: Miharu Araki MA SPORTS Representative, Writer
2023-10-25 15:38:49
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