Santiago 2023 Preparations Kick off with Gana Santiago Family Cycle Tour

Thousands of people of all ages gathered early in the morning at our Chimkowe Cultural and Sports Center, there they registered, warmed up and began the Gana Santiago Family Cycle Tour, organized by the Regional Government of Santiago, to relieve the city and communes such as Peñalolén as the venue for the next Pan American and Parapan American Games.

The mayor of Peñalolén, Carolina Leitao, participated in this almost 7km route along Av Grecia and to the National Stadium; the Governor of Santiago, Claudio Orrego; The Minister of Sports, Jaime Pizarro; The Minister of Transportation, Juan Carlos Muñoz; in addition to athletes, families, neighbors.

The mayor of Peñalolén, Carolina Leitao, highlighted that “this route is going to be the usual one for Santiago 2023, so that hopefully the neighbors will come and do it by public transport or by bicycle. This activation is basically to tell the neighbors to get in the mood, and to know and see how important these games are going to be in our communities as well.” She also recalled that “Peñalolén is also the venue, 10 disciplines will take place at the Chimkowe Cultural and Sports Center, as well as in Peñalolén Park. We will have 7 Pan American and 3 Parapan American disciplines, so we are very prepared for it and we are going to continue working.”

Meanwhile, the governor of Santiago, and organizer of the Cicletada, Claudio Orrego stated that “the invitation we make to citizens is to get excited about the games, to support our athletes, and also to be champions in hospitality. We are going to have more than 100 thousand people who are going to come to Santiago and we want Santiago to be the best fan in the world, to welcome, to shout and to support.”

Along the same lines, the Minister of Sports, Jaime Pizarro, said that “this activity called by the Government of Santiago and the Municipality of Peñalolén seems very valuable to us to first verify that our community wants to participate, the second is that this is going to be a very important axis, Avenida Grecia from the National Stadium to Peñalolén.”

From October 20, Peñalolén will host 10 competitions: Breaking; BMX cycling; track cycling; Weightlifting; figure skating; archery and beach volleyball will be the Pan American disciplines; while power lifting, cycling and archery the Parapan American competitions. All these events will take place in our Chimkowe Cultural and Sports Center, and Peñalolén Park.
In addition, 17 athletes from Team Peñalolén will compete for gold in 12 sports.

Source: Peñalolén.

2023-10-08 16:24:30
#Peñalolén #prepares #arrival #Santiago #Gana #Santiago #Family #Cicletada #MEDIABANCO #News #Agency #Chile


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