San Lorenzo Bounces Back with Victory in National League

After what was the defeat in the debut against Boca, San Lorenzo quickly recovered in the National League. Because this Friday night he visited Obras Básquet, played a great game and won at the Rock Temple by 83 to 74 to achieve his first victory of the season.

Leo Costa’s team had a hard time at the start, but then dominated to the point of winning the scoreboard from the first quarter (18-24) due to the contributions of Gastón Córdoba and Iván Basualdo. In the second quarter they extended the advantage and ended up going into halftime with a difference of nine (35-44).

In the third period the Ciclón managed to stretch the result to 17 points with some good minutes from Federico Grun, who finally ended up being the team’s scorer with 23 scores. In the last ten minutes, Obras was also down seven (54-61), but CASLA held on until the end of the game and had its first celebration in Núñez.

After this victory, San Lorenzo will play its first game of the Regular Phase at the Roberto Pando Sports Center with the support of its people. When? Next Thursday starting at 9 pm in front of Regatas Corrientes.

2023-10-14 13:15:46
#San #Lorenzo #won #Templo #del #Rock #achieved #victory #League


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