Returning to the group on Saturday, Antoine Dupont resumed training

Around noon this Sunday, Antoine Dupont – who had joined the Hôtel des Bleus in Aix-en-Provence around half past midnight – appeared on the Georges-Carcassonne pitch, crushed by the sun. The scrum half of the fifteen of France, operated on for a maxillo-zygomatic fracture nine days ago, was initially content to jog alongside health manager Bruno Boussagol and a physical trainer.

Meanwhile, on the pitch, all the other players (including Julien Marchand, Paul Boudehent, Charles Ollivon) participated in the collective session. Cap on his head, Dupont then hit a few kicks before doing sprints at a moderate pace. During that half hour, he showed no signs of discomfort. The Blues must train again this Sunday afternoon.


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