Remembering Lady Cathy Ferguson: The Tower of Strength Beside Sir Alex

Lady Cathy Ferguson, the wife of legendary trainer Sir Alex Ferguson, has died at the age of 84.

Her death caused great sadness and sympathy from Manchester United. The club with which Ferguson, among other things, won the 1999 Champions League in the final against FC Bayern, described it as a “tower of strength” in a statement.

It continued: “Everyone at Manchester United sends warmest condolences to Sir Alex Ferguson and his family.”

Ferguson met his future wife in 1964, when he was just 23 years old. The couple married in 1966 and have three sons together.

Ferguson surprisingly won the Cup Winners’ Cup with Aberdeen FC in 1983 and later moved to Manchester United. With the Red Devils he became English champion 13 times in 27 years and won the Champions League in 1999 and 2008.

As a sign of mourning for the iconic coach’s wife, United’s players will wear black armbands in Saturday’s game against Brentdord.

2023-10-06 15:34:42
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