Redemption for Onana and Maguire as Manchester United Triumphs in Champions League

10/24/2023 11:54 p.m.

On the occasion of its success against Copenhagen (1-0) this Tuesday in the Champions League, Manchester United witnessed the redemption of two of its players: goalkeeper Andr Onana (27 years old, 3 matches in the LdC this season) and the central defender Harry Maguire (30 years old, 1 match and 1 goal in LdC this season)! While the English full-back, once considered a scapegoat, scored the victorious goal, the Cameroonian goalkeeper, author of a disappointing debut in the Mancunian jersey, saved him with a penalty at the end of the suspense. An evening of revenge!

VIDEO: Andr Onana saves a penalty and MU!

Harry Maguire and Onana can savor

(Par Alexis Goudlijian)

2023-10-24 21:54:00
#VIDEO #OnanaMaguire #saviors


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