Professional Football League Faces Setback in TV Rights Auction

The Professional Football League aimed to reach one billion euros in TV rights for the period 2024-2029, before revising its figure to €825 million. The call for tenders took place this Tuesday but, already, it is time for the first failure. Despite proposals from several broadcasters, none were suitable in the eyes of the bosses of French professional football. We will therefore have to move on to the second stage, that of over-the-counter discussions.

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“After having received several qualitative offers and financial guarantee schemes for all lots 1 to 5, LFP Media indicates that none of the five lots has been awarded today, in accordance with the provisions of the Ligue 1 call for applications Consequently, LFP Media is continuing its process of marketing Ligue 1 rights and is also postponing its call for Ligue 2 applications.wrote the LFP in its press release this Tuesday.

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The LFP will have to negotiate directly with interested broadcasters

The blow is hard. The prices for the different lots, €530 million for the premium (broadcast of the two best posters per day and 4th choice in co-broadcast), and €270 million for the so-called volume lot (the other matches per day) have not not found a buyer. We will therefore have to wait to know the identity of the future broadcaster(s) of Ligue 1. The LFP is preparing for complicated and even risky negotiations with interested broadcasters. She will inevitably start from a position of weakness.

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This involves finding an agreement directly, even with possible broadcasters, who did not apply during the call for tenders. We of course think of Canal +, who therefore has the opportunity to return to the game despite his open conflict with the League. The next few days will give a first trend. By then, the consultation for international rights (November 2) will have fallen, while the call for tenders for Ligue 2 (initially October 19 and 20) has been postponed until later.

Pub. 10/17/2023 1:58 p.m. Updated 10/17/2023 2:59 p.m.

2023-10-17 11:58:39
#big #hiccup #LFP


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