Pram/Yere Face Communication Challenges Ahead of Denmark Open

Pram/Yere Face Communication Challenges Ahead of Denmark Open

CNN Indonesia

Tuesday, 17 Oct 2023 05:25 WIB

Pram/Yere will meet Ahsan/Hendra in the first round of the Denmark Open. (CNN Indonesia/ Adi Ibrahim)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Pramudya Kusumawardana/Jeremiah Rambitan got a sharp spotlight at the Arctic Open. This week at Denmark Opentheir attitude will be awaited again.

Pram/Yere showed strange performances throughout the Arctic Open. They managed to qualify for the quarter-finals but of the three matches played, Pram/Yere had minimal interaction on the field.

Pram/Yere is really involved in a cold war. There wasn’t much communication while they were playing. Just the act of toasting was a rare thing between the two of them.

Men’s doubles coach Aryono Miranat immediately spoke up. Aryono stated that he had discussed the threesome with Pram and Yere before the men’s doubles team left for Finland. Both of them stated that there were no problems, but this was contrary to the situation on the ground.

Aryono then promised to return to discussions with Pram/Yere in Denmark. While in Finland, Aryono did not accompany the team and only joined in Denmark.

On Monday (16/10), Aryono stated that Pram’s problems with Yere were over. Both players have stated their readiness to appear at the Denmark Open. Changes in Pram/Yere communication in the field will be interesting to look forward to.

Interestingly, Pram/Yere will directly face Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan in the first round, Tuesday (17/10). Ahsan/Hendra are an example of a couple who have good communication on and off the field.

Due to meeting fellow Indonesian players, Aryono will not accompany Pram/Yere on the field. This condition is also something interesting to look forward to.

Without the presence of a coach, Pram and Yere had to hold discussions between themselves at every interval or at the change of game. If it turns out that their communication is still problematic, this will be visible in these situations.



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