PLN Batam Holds Badminton Tournament Event for 23rd Anniversary and National Electricity Day Celebration

In To commemorate the 23rd Anniversary of PT PLN Batam and the 78th National Electricity Day (HLN), PT PLN Batam is holding a Badminton Tournament Event in 2023 at GOR Banda Baru Sei Panas, on Saturday and Sunday 14-15 October 2023 .

The Corporate Secretary of PT PLN Batam, Hamidi Hamid, in his remarks at the opening of the tournament said that the main aim of this tournament was to enliven the anniversary of PLN Batam and HLN as well as increasing coordination, communication and most importantly, fostering brotherhood, togetherness and continuing to strengthen ties.

“October is a month that feels special for PT PLN Batam, because this month PT PLN Batam celebrated its 23rd birthday on October 3, and also celebrated the 78th National Electricity Day which falls every October 27. In
“This celebration and activity is one of the moments for PLN Batam to continue to build and increase synergy with agencies and stakeholders,” said Hamidi.

The theme of PT PLN Batam’s 23rd anniversary commemoration is “Growing Resilient to become the new energy of the Future, Acceleration of New Renewable Energy”. A theme that describes the current condition of PLN Batam, which fully supports PLN’s transformation, namely Green Energy. PLN Batam has implemented various green power programs as a form of its commitment.

“Through this activity we do not stand alone but need input and good cooperation from various stakeholders, agencies and the community to continue developing Batam and the Riau Islands,” he concluded.

The agencies participating in this Adu Tangkis activity are; PLN Batam as host, Riau Islands Regional Police, REI Batam, Indomaret, Perbarindo, Tribun Batam, PBSI Batam City, BMPD, Aston Group, BLBC, AAUI, Batam Airport, and Santika Group.

From the preliminary round matches on the first day, there were four teams that advanced to the semifinals, namely PLN Batam, REI Batam, BMPD and Polda Riau Islands who will compete again in the final round, on October 15 2023 to determine first, second and third place together. (*/release)

2023-10-15 11:37:53
#PLN #Batam #Holds #Badminton #Tournament #Strengthen #Relationships #Agencies


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