Pink October Taïfit Session Promotes Solidarity and Supports “Toujours Femme” Association

21/10/2023 10:00

352 lectures

Sunday morning, the Creusot Judo club, through the animation commission, organized a Taïfit session led by Françoise Bouchet, president of the club, at the dojo rue Bayard as part of Pink October.
Around forty women, whether licensed or not, took part in this event which was an opportunity for a moment of sharing, solidarity and sport.
To enhance this strong moment of solidarity, a sale of t-shirts made exclusively for the occasion was offered.
A donation box was available to participants. The proceeds from registration for the session and the sale of t-shirts as well as donations will be entirely donated to the “Toujours femme” association.

2023-10-21 08:02:23
#JUDO #celebrated #Pink #October #Judo #Club #Creusot


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