Peñarol Falls to Obras in National Basketball League Match

The visiting team took advantage of the “milrayitas” defensive weakness from the start and practically sealed the game in the first half. The return to Al Thornton’s team could do little. The stoppage of the League will be good for the Mar del Plata team.

By Sebastian Arana

Peñarol put in the “strainer” and Obras brought the pasta to have a feast at the Sports Center. With many defensive imbalances, despite the return of Al Thornton, the Mar del Plata team fell 106-89 in its fourth appearance in the 2023/2024 season of the National Basketball League. The recess in which the competition enters due to the performance of the National Team in the Pan American Games in Santiago, Chile is the best news for a collective expression that is still very weak.

The local team ran from behind almost from the start. The reason was not being able to match the “tachero” perimeter. On the one hand, Barral’s driving was more reliable than Valinotti’s. On the other hand, Inyaco pierced Whitfield’s fragile defense every time he wanted to. Despite Sarmiento’s very good offensive management, Peñarol was powerless to stop Obras’ incessant “leak” on the scoreboard. Difficult to do with all the defensive advantages provided.

The breeze of fresh air that crossed the Sports Center when Thornton entered the field in the second half of the opening quarter soon faded. In a short while Spight did with Ruiz what Inyaco did with Whitfield and the visit reached a maximum light (26-15) before the short break.

And in the second set Obras, while Peñarol did not have a natural pivot on the court – again Mogga Lado did not play -, changed the recipe and also hurt near the basket with Solarin and the burly Tha Andela. When Filippa returned for Thornton, he returned to the initial plan and entrusted several decisions to Smaniotti, the assignment of Whitfield, and again he obtained returns.

In short, throughout almost the entire first half, every time Peñarol covered a leak, another appeared. The old story of the short blanket. Obras had seventeen points of light (51-34) with a minute and a half left. The outlook, at that point, was gloomy for the “milrayitas” cause.

It did not improve in the complement. Thornton’s presence on the court for several minutes changed little. And it was not sensible to expect a miracle from a player who, although he knows the ropes, has just spent months in another context and with other teammates. Peñarol hit and missed ahead. But Obras continued to score with unprecedented ease and the gap continued to stretch. Mariano Rodríguez, in a drowning slap, even sat Whitfield down and launched a zone defense. But it was all in vain. The advantage of the Buenos Aires team reached 28 points (80-52) shortly before the third quarter and in the last quarter the story was decided.

The Mar del Plata team, in short, suffered a painful defeat. There is still a long way to go to press the panic button. But in four games they scored 105, 80, 92 and 106 points at an average of almost 96 per game. So it is very difficult to win.


Penarol 89

J. Valinotti 9, R. Whitfield 12, T. Monacchi 19, O. Sarmiento 17 and F. Filippa 3 (FI); J. Ruiz 13, J. Morales 5, A. Thornton 7, F. Tolosa 4, G. Rossi 0 and N. Chiaraviglio 0. DT: Mariano Rodriguez.

Works 106

P. Barral 8, F. Inyaco 19, A. Spight 17, L. Cerminato 11 and H. Tha Andela 10 (FI); JP Venegas 12, J Solarin 9, JE Madrigal 5, F Smaniotti 12, A Digon 0, L Barrios 3 and M Von Schmeling 0. DT: Peter Dominguez.

Estadio: “Islas Malvinas” sports center.
Referees: Oscar Brítez, Alberto Ponzo and Enrique Cáceres.
Partials: 15-26, 39-55 y 56-80.

2023-10-19 02:18:00
#Peñarol #destroyed #Obras #Diario #Capital #Mar #del #Plata


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