Paris 2024 Olympic Games: “the current tower is not compliant”, Estanguet wants to ensure “security” at Teahupo’o

It is a project which has crystallized tensions on the island of Tahiti for several days. The construction of a new judges’ tower at the Teahupo’o spot, which will host the surfing events of the 2024 Olympic Games, was the subject of a local demonstration in mid-October.

The subject came back to the table this Tuesday, alongside the presentation of the Games paramarathon course. Associations and local residents fear that the aluminum building, built in the water and especially for the event, will degrade the seabed and harm the biodiversity of the site.

As we indicated previously, the organizers explain that the creation of this new tower is primarily the result of safety issues, the wooden tower (13.50 m) not being up to standard. “We must remember that if we are today with a project for a new tower, it is because the current judges’ tower is not compliant,” assured Tony Estanguet on Tuesday. “Paris-2024 will not endanger anyone’s safety,” he added.

On site, politicians also try to reassure their population. On Saturday, the president of French Polynesia, Moetai Brotherson, visited a village located near the competition site: Toahutu. “It is obvious that when drilling, there will be noise and release of sand, but all of that will be contained and cleaned. Then, nature will reclaim its rights,” he assured, according to comments reported by the local press.

“The goal is to listen”

The leaders of Paris 2024 insist: they act taking into account local populations. “The objective is to continue to move forward, to listen,” continued Tony Estanguet. “This project can still be amended to ensure that it responds even better to the concerns of the local population (…) We absolutely want to preserve this site,” promises the boss of Cojo.

But opponents continue to fear for the local fauna and flora. “It’s a certainty that they will degrade the corals, or even dig a channel,” regrets surfer Matahi Drollet to AFP, the source of a viral video on social networks. It is also a destruction of our pantry, one of the few places in Tahiti where surgeonfish is still edible. »

“We don’t say no to the Olympics, but we say no to the aluminum tower,” he concludes. The government said that it was not up to Teahupo’o to adapt to the Olympics but for the Olympics to adapt to Teahupo’o. We expect him to keep his word. » The petition he launched has now collected more than 100,000 signatures.


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