Outraged by Nacho, amnesiac by Negreira – The penultimate Raulista alive

Yesterday it was learned that the judge who directed the investigation of the Negreira case in its initial phase and that, according to the surprised judicial sources consulted by The debatestopped it without reasons, hid from the Provincial Court of Barcelona that His partner was a poster supplier for the Catalan club. Ignasi Pietx, a declared Barça fan, owner of the reprography company Artyplan, which has been the preferred supplier of all the Barça club’s production since 2003, maintains an emotional relationship with judge Silvia López Mejía, a relationship that, as I said, he hid. This gentleman’s company creates match programs, billboards, flags, banners and posters for Barça around the field or in the stands, in other words it does everything. I do not know the total annual amount of what Artyplan invoices the club chaired by Laporta, but little money cannot be. Well, the biggest scandal in the history of Spanish sport, which is Barcelona’s payment of more than seven million euros over seventeen years to the refereeing vice president, It falls like a raindrop on Judge López Mejía, who is the partner of Ignasi Pietx, who for twenty years has provided Barcelona, ​​which is the club investigated for paying Negreira, with all graphic production since 2003… and his honor has hidden it from the Provincial Court! And because? Man, the most reasonable thing is to think that if he hides it it’s because he doesn’t want them to know. Again, and why? Well, because, if they knew, the Provincial Court would take the case away from the judge. And again, why… wouldn’t you want it taken away?

And be careful what you publish today The debateand that consolidates what Federico repeats so many times that Barça is the Foreign Ministry of the independence movement: two weeks before the illegal 2017 referendum took place, the Civil Guard searched the warehouses of Artyplan, which is the company that has been doing all of Barça’s graphic production for twenty years; It turns out that they had received a tip that there could be found inside the ship the ballot boxes that Puigdemont had commissioned to carry out the mock consultation; But, to the surprise of the police unit, what they found was the workers of Judge López Mejía’s partner printing the posters that the Generalitat had planned to use to promote 1-O. The agents seized an order of 456,000 banners; The hiring of Artyplan, the main supplier of Fútbol Club Barcelona, ​​was carried out using the independence entity Ómnium Cultural, chaired at that time by Jordi Cuixart, as a screen.

In summary: the judge who initially led the investigation of the Negreira case has maintained an emotional relationship with the owner of a signage company that almost exclusively supplies Barça (the club that paid the vice president of the referees) for twenty years. She hid the fact that her partner worked for the Catalan club and suddenly, When Judge Aguirre relieves Judge López Mejía, the Negreira case acquires cruising speed and goes at full sail; To make matters worse, the company of the judge’s partner is a declared culé and independentist. Well, with all this data in hand, with everything that has been known for a year, with everything that Barça has, with the club and a couple of former presidents investigated as suspects of a crime of active bribery sustained…In Barcelona they are outraged that Nacho was reduced from three to two games and can play the classic with Real Madrid!

Don’t you think it’s wonderful? Every day a scandal related to Barça appears even bigger than the previous one, what one can read or hear is no longer really surprising and we begin to be anesthetized. Each day is worse than the previous, the other day José María Minguella wrote in Sports world that, when the new Camp Nou is finished, The debt could easily go above three billion euros…and yesterday I had to listen to periobarcelonistas saying that at Barça they are outraged and that they already know how these things work because they have taken a game away from Nacho! Indignant? The Barca? Is Barça outraged? Outraged because they know how things work? Seven million euros later, outraged? Outraged after paying Negreira? It’s not that he peri-Barcelonismas I thought until now, he would look the other way, no, it was just that necessary collaborator in the ruin of this club, was conniving, adjunct, a co-participant in everything that happened for so long. Is it or isn’t everything really disgusting and nauseating? Not only do they not ask for forgiveness, but they are outraged because Nacho can play against them. The best league of the world. Rotten from the roots.

2023-10-17 18:42:19
#Outraged #Nacho #amnesiac #Negreira #penultimate #Raulista #alive


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