Olympic Games 2028: Boxing Omitted, Historic Comeback for Cricket and Other Sports

Published13. October 2023, 4:01 p.m

Olympic Games 2028: No boxing, but this sport is making a comeback after 128 years

The International Olympic Committee has decided which sports will be back on the program at the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.

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Boxing will most likely be missing from the Olympic program in 2028.

Roberto Pfeil/dpa

Baseball (men, pictured) and softball (women) are coming back.

Getty Images via AFP

Cricket is also making a comeback after 128 years.


That’s what it’s about

Boxing is not currently part of the 2028 Olympics program.

That’s why baseball/softball and cricket are coming back.

Squash and lacrosse are taking part for the first time.

Boxing is still not part of the Olympic program for the 2028 Summer Games in Los Angeles. The head of the International Olympic Committee decided on Friday in Mumbai not to consider the scandal-plagued sport for the Games in five years. The background is the ongoing dispute with the International Boxing Association (Iba), which was excluded by the IOK due to corruption and distortion of competition. Boxing is therefore currently without an Olympic association.

However, the exclusion is not final. “I never tire of saying that we want boxing in the Olympic program,” said IOK President Thomas Bach on Friday after the executive meeting. The IOK has no problem with the boxers, only with the Iba.

However, a rival association called World Boxing is already ready. If recognized by the IOC, this association could act as the organizer of the Olympic tournament in Los Angeles. The qualification for Paris 2024 and the Olympic fights are in the hands of a task force set up by the IOK – as was the case at the recent Olympics in Tokyo.

cricket after a long time

The modern pentathlon and weightlifting, which have not yet been considered for 2028, will be back in Los Angeles. In the case of the pentathlon, the IOK leadership awarded the contract because after the 2024 Olympics in Paris, the controversial riding discipline will be replaced by an obstacle course.

The IOK executive also agreed to the Los Angeles organizers’ proposal to include cricket, baseball/softball, lacrosse, flag football and squash in the program for the 2028 Olympics. Cricket, which is said to have the second-largest fan base in the world after football, has only been an Olympic event in Paris in 1900.

Lacrosse is also returning to the program after a long time. It’s a first for squash and flag football. The IOK General Assembly, which meets in Mumbai from Sunday, must now agree.

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2023-10-13 14:29:56
#Olympic #Games #boxing #sport #making #comeback #years


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