Old Christians were crowned Uruguayan champions after beating Trébol in the final

FútbolUy. Followed on Twitter @futbolportaluy

Old Christians won the Uruguayan Rugby Championship this Saturday at the Charrúa stadium, where they beat the last champion, Trébol de Paysandú, in the final by 34-26, thus breaking a four-year drought.

Juan Pablo Costábile broke the deadlock at 3′, when he scored a try through the middle, taking advantage of a good pass from Rodrigo García that later had a conversion from Federico Favaro, the scorer of the night, for the initial 7-0.

At 15′ they were already 14-0 after a try by Juan González, who capitalized on an unforced error by the Sanduceros at the start due to a kick by Alejo Durán. Favaro was once again accurate with his pass and later scored from a penalty for a clear 17-0 after half an hour of play.

The Sanduceros reacted with a penalty try at 35′, pushing from the scrum after three consecutive penalties. As if that were not enough, first row Julián Correa scored a try at 38′ and Durán scored the conversion to seal the score at 17-14 at halftime.

A drop by Federico Slinger once again put Old Christians away on the scoreboard (20-14), but a try by Guillermo Ortiz from Taranco and the subsequent conversion by Durán made the throats of the thousands of Sanduceros who arrived at Charrúa and watched pass by to his team 21-20 at 11′ of the complement.

However, the joy lasted only a couple of minutes. Favaro scored the first of his four consecutive penalties at 52′ to turn around a result that at 62′ was already 29-21. Five minutes later, Martín Espiga scored a try and left the score 34-21.

A try by Brian Vergara on a counterattack brought Trébol closer again, but Durán missed the kick with six minutes left and needed at least two plays (34-26). As if that were not enough, another penalty from Favaro and a try from Manuel Blengio with a conversion by Blengio himself sealed the score at 44-26.

FútbolUy. Followed on Twitter @futbolportaluy

FútbolUy – Montevideo Portal

2023-10-29 02:15:00
#Christians #crowned #Uruguayan #champions #beating #Trébol #final


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