NOW AVAILABLE NOW 111 OF SPORTRAINING MAGAZINE! – Technical sports magazine Sport Training

Now available on number 111 of SPORTRAINING magazine (November/December 2023), in digital format.

As the protagonist of the cover is the young triathlete David Cantero, one of the great promises of Spanish triathlon.

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Main content:

In the section The Podiumwe will find some news and good advice, but also several mini articles of great interest, such as «Learn to train”, “Indoor Cycle Training for the cyclist and triathlete”, “How to train running technique”, “How to train downhill running”, “How to use caffeine during competition”.

In the section Experts say: “Technological advances for training control”where four great experts answer the questions we have asked them.

In Training Theory: “Quantifying training load: when the simplest can be the best!”. The quality or intensity of a training session, and its quantity or duration, determine what we call the training load of each session. Being able to assign a value to each training session allows us to put that training dose into numbers, and thus seek greater control between that dose and the athlete’s response to it.

Also in Training Theory: “Performance analysis software: how and why to use it?”. When preparing for a competitive objective, it is important to follow planning based on scientific knowledge and the methodical application of training principles. However, sports training is a complex and dynamic system, since there are a large number of factors that can affect the athlete’s performance and that constantly interact with each other. The experience and knowledge of the coach when managing these factors will be key to designing a plan that ensures that the athlete achieves his or her greatest performance. However, if we do not have the appropriate measurement tools we will not be able to evaluate whether the training stimulus is causing adaptations in the athlete.

In Physical Preparation, “Considerations for strength training”. The validity and usefulness of strength training in the vast majority of sports has been demonstrated in many publications. It can be stated, among other things, that increases in muscle strength are strongly associated with better force-time characteristics that contribute to increasing the overall performance of an athlete. Furthermore, this improvement in force production is related to greater performance in general sports skills (jumping, running, changing direction…) and a decrease in the incidence of injuries.

Also in Physical Preparation, «Stabilization of the CORE and lumbopelvic area in runners: «a complete guide». The core muscles provide stability that allows the generation of force and movement in the lower extremities, as well as the distribution of impact forces, allowing controlled and efficient body movements. Imbalances or deficiencies in the core muscles can result in increased fatigue, decreased endurance, and injuries in runners. Strengthening the core must incorporate its intrinsic needs in terms of flexibility, strength, balance and resistance, as well as in relation to its role in the function and dysfunction of the extremities. But what do we understand as “core” and how does it influence our stability and performance?

In Nutrition, «Vitamins and minerals in athletes: are they necessary? Beyond the supplement industry that takes advantage of almost everything, athletes, and even professionals, do not usually pay much attention to the so-called micronutrients. This thought perhaps derives from the word itself as it contains the suffix -micro and its meaning within nutrition. For example, the RAE defines a micronutrient as “a substance that, in small quantities, is essential for the development of an organism.” It is important to consider that just because we need them in smaller quantities than macronutrients, it does not mean that they are less important; in fact, as the RAE’s own definition says, they are essential for life. When we talk about micronutrients this includes vitamins and minerals.

In Trail Running, «Planning the trail running strategy». A bad race strategy can undo all the work of months of preparation, or on the contrary, a good strategy can lead us to success, even overcoming theoretically superior rivals. In this article we will give the keys to plan everything in maximum detail.

In Physiotherapy, “Sports massage”. Sports massage is very useful to achieve, apart from the therapeutic effect, the contribution of confidence and security that every athlete needs to pass a test. But, for this, the massage must be performed by a professional in the science of physical therapy, the physiotherapist. Different benefits can be obtained with massage depending on the phase of the season we are in.


2023-10-30 08:36:58
#SPORTRAINING #MAGAZINE #Technical #sports #magazine #Sport #Training


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