NBA: Solving Crossword Puzzles and More

Solutions – three letters: NBA

Other definitions for the nba answer: The US professional basketball league, US Basketball Association, US professional basketball league

Definitions that you can find in crosswords and that contain the word basketball: Basketball: basketball players = motor racing: x; __ Anthony: a champion of USA basketball; The Brianza city of a famous basketball team.

Crosswords with the term American: American actor who has Molise origins; Spike, well-known American director; Famous American actor and director; American singer who duetted with Ramazzotti.

With the word championship: Awarded the title of winners of the Championship; The championship with Juventus; The Spanish football championship; It organizes the most followed championship in Italy; Final part of the basketball championship.

Themes and categories: sport, usa, basketball.
Associated words: united, basketball, basketball player, football, athlete, ace, acronym, florida, footballer, american, tennis, well-known, role, team, play, york, center, race, basketball players, tennis player, cities and states.

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2023-10-03 16:19:11
#Basketball #Championship #Crossword


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