Mina Komiyama Dominates in Women’s 57kg Class Final at All-Japan Collegiate Judo Weight Class Championships

Interview and text: Hideki Furuta, eJudo Editorial Department
Photo: Kan Jinya・Furuta Hidetoshi

In the 57kg class final, Mina Komiyama finishes off Yuka Takeda with a left-sleeve tsurikomi-goi “Ippon”.

On the final day of the 2023 All-Japan Collegiate Judo Weight Class Championships, where athletes competed to be the best in Japan in individual competitions, competitions in seven weight classes for men and women were held at the Nippon Budokan.

In the women’s 57kg class, she placed 2nd in the tournament the year before last.Mina Komiyama (4th year, Tokai University)was an overwhelming victory. From the beginning, the easy victory continued with “Ippon” and “Kyoto 3”, and from the quarterfinals, the acceleration started, and Kazurin Takaya (3rd year at Yamanashi Gakuin University) started with a 50-second pullback and a combined technique of Yokoshihogata. “Ippon”, defeated Nanami Miyazaki (4th year, Tokai University) with “Ippon” in 1 minute and 50 seconds with Sode Tsurigomi-shi, gaining momentum. In the finals, she did not face Yuka Takeda (4th year Ryukoku University), who had defeated strong opponents one after another with her diaphragm and pre-emptive attacks, and first took away her “wazai” with her “Ippon Ogai” on the left. At 1 minute 51 seconds, there is a dynamic left sleeve tsurigomi waist “Ippon”. She clinched the victory with one of the strongest blows in the tournament’s best throw class.

2023-10-02 04:30:38
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