Mexican Delegation Announced for the 2023 Pan American Games

Flag of the Mexican delegation for the 2023 Pan American Games. | Photography: Conade

Morelia, Michoacán.- The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, championed the Mexican Delegation that will compete in the XIX Pan American Games Santiago 2023.

According to a statement, the continental fair will be held from October 20 to November 5 in Santiago, Chile.

All members of the national contingent will receive an economic stimulus and the medalists will receive a little more, said the federal president.

The escorts were made up of:

The standard bearer Carlos Sansores Acevedo (taekwondo), Luz Daniela Gaxiola González (cycling), María Antonieta Gaxiola González (cycling), Adirem Tejeda Amaro (rhythmic gymnastics), Jorge Adán Cárdenas Estrada (weightlifting) and Mauro Isaac Fuentes Rascón (indoor volleyball) .

Flag bearer Karina Esquer Vila (3×3 basketball), Matías Damián Grande Kalionchiz (archery), Alegna Aryday Gonzalez Muñoz (athletics), Joshua Said Medina Andueza (weightlifting), Luis Armando Montoya Navarro (badminton) and Lizbeth Yareli Salazar Vazquez (cycling).

Ana Gabriel Guevara, director of the National Sports Commission (Conade), highlighted the competitive level of the American continent, and assured that it will be a very tough dispute, but Mexican athletes have the preparation and capacity to fight one-on-one with the power countries. .

2023-10-16 22:40:51
#champion #Mexican #delegation #Pan #American #Games


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