Massive Interruption of PSG vs Reims Match as Minors Initiate Fireworks Chaos

The D1 Arkéma match between PSG and Reims this Saturday was definitively stopped at the start of the second period, for massive jets of mortars and firecrackers on the pitch. According to our information, several minors were turned away at the entrance, before threatening to stop the meeting.

The Women’s D1 match between PSG and Reims was played exceptionally in Poissy, at the Léo-Lagrange stadium this Saturday. But it did not come to an end: the match was interrupted at the start of the second period for mass throwing of firecrackers and mortars on the pitch. The match was finally definitively interrupted, the referee having considered that the safety of the players and staff could not be ensured.

“You don’t want us to go home? We’re going to stop your match!”

According to our information, individuals were turned away at the entrance to the stadium by security agents because they did not have identification. Subsequently, mortar fire took place from the Saint-Exupery district, adjacent to the Léo Lagrange stadium. A flash ball shot and the use of tear gas had to be used to repel the individuals behind this incident.

The three individuals returned were all minors. According to several sources, they declared: “You don’t want us to go in? We’re going to stop your match!”. The FFF competitions commission will decide in the coming days on the fate of the match.

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2023-10-14 19:02:38
#stop #match #threat #individuals #turned #entrance


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